2011年4月24日 星期日

Neonatal Head - Hydrocephalus (水腦)

 Dandy-Walker variant with prenatally detected hydrocephalus in a 34-week-old infant. US image obtained through the mastoid fontanelle shows dilatation of all the ventricles. The frontal horns (F [Graphic, left]), foramen of Monro (Graphic), third ventricle (3), aqueduct (Graphic), fourth ventricle (4), and temporal horns (T [Graphic, bottom right]) are clearly depicted. The inferior vermis (* [Graphic, top right]) is hypoplastic, resulting in enlargement of the vallecula.

Baby head study is commonly applied on premature newborn for r/o  intraventricular hemorrhage(IVH), or on slow developed babies with bigger heads for r/o hydrocephalus.  Hydrocephalus is a disease that caused by unbalance of CSF circulation; CSF which goes into cephalic ventricles is more than the fluid which exits the ventricals.

2011年4月15日 星期五

選擇學校有玄機,慎選認證最安心 (7/12/2011 更新學會認證學校連結)



其實台灣也有類似的現象,記得幾年前某大學創立醫學影像應用學系,沒想到幾年後,該系畢業生就面臨 「是否符合考照資格」的問題。這個系的畢業生後來到底能不能順利報考放射師執照,我也沒特別追蹤下去了。回過頭來說,這種現象在美國更容易發生,除了該校有沒有通過認證,還有專業認證體系繁多,規模有大有小,但是重要的是,顧主(醫療機構)接受哪個?